Yoga Links

Yoga Tip Book
Ashtanga Yoga
Many Athletes Choose Ashtanga
Muscle Tremors Mean That You're Working
Ashtanga Has A Warrior Pose For Everyone
Ashtanga Poses Go With The Flow
Stand Tall In Tadasana
Inverted Ashtanga Poses: Up And Away
Conquer Chaturanga Dandasana
Plank Poses Are Power Poses
Power Yoga: Ashtanga By Another Name
Don't Fear Falling: Try Bakasana For Arm Balance
Boat Pose Powers Up Abs
Don't Forget To Rest
Ashtanga: All About Ujjayi
Beginner Yoga
When to Practice Yoga
Yoga Classes For Beginners
Warming Up to Yoga
Standing Poses For Beginners
Beginner Yoga Poses
Yoga Upside-down
Sublime Supine Poses
Sitting Postures in Yoga
Where to Practice Yoga
Yoga with a Twist
Bikram Yoga
Bikram Is The Body's Internal Cleanser
Bikram Name Remains Controversial
Camel Pose Helps Students Of All Levels
Seated Twist Energizes And Relaxes
Fly Like An Eagle
Wide-Legged Forward Bends Tone Legs And Low Back
Complete Yoga Set
Feel More Flow With Yoga Equipment
A Good Yoga Mat Is Where It's At
Get On A Roll With A Yoga Ball
Fitness Yoga
Stretch Your Fitness Routine With Yoga
Hatha Yoga
Have A Go At Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga: Let's Get Physical
Hatha Yoga Class Combines Styles
Be Aware Of The Breath
Let The Breath Guide The Posture
Hatha Yoga Is Preventive Medicine
Sitting Pretty: How Sit Comfortably For Hatha Yoga Poses
Iyengar Yoga
Props Give A Boost To Iyengar Yoga
Props Help You Maximize Poses
Seeing And Breathing Are Believing
Get Your Triangle Right
Get Your Back On Track
Forward Bends Balance Backbends
Strap It Up For Stronger Hamstring Stretches
Kids' Yoga
Make Yoga Kid-Friendly
Why do Yoga
Begin With The Breath
Focus On Fun
Don't Keep Kids Holding On
Make Time To Help Kids Relax
Designate A Kids' Special Yoga Space
Yoga May Improve ADHD Symptoms
Nervous Energy
Kids' Imagination in Yoga
Yoga Classes for Kids
Yoga for Kids
Benefits of Yoga for Children
Yoga for Babies?
Baby Yoga Basics
Natural Flexibility
Children under 16
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga Slows The Pace
Relaxation Yoga May Aid All Aspects of Pregnancy
Don't Miss Out On Meditation's Benefits
Light Your Fire With A Breath
Maximize Your Mantra
Alternate Nostril Breathing Promotes Breath Awareness
Pair Your Yoga With Pilates
Pilates Is Yoga's Younger Relative
Principles Of Pilates Reflect Yoga Traditions
Pilates Mat vs. Machine
Pilates Slims Your Silhouette
Yoga vs. Pilates: Do Both
Pilates Props Enhance Exercises
Pregnancy Yoga
Yoga For Two: Pregnancy Yoga Is Good For You
Find Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga Classes For Fun And Safety
Communicate With Your Doctor
Yoga Techniques Can Prepare You For Any Type Of Delivery
Modify Your Moves
Poses To Do And Not To Do While Pregnant
Focus On Restorative Poses For Postnatal Practice
Yoga During Pregnancy
The Effects of Yoga on Your Unborn Child
Pregnancy and Yoga: See Your Doctor First
Benefits of Prenatal Yoga
Pregnancy Yoga Classes
Types of Yoga
Kriya Yoga: Overview
Kriya Yoga: The Breath
Kriya Yoga: Yogis' Quotes
Kriya Yoga: The Power of Meditation
Bikram Yoga: Overview
Bikram Yoga: Why the Heat?
Bikram Yoga: A Prescription for Your Health
Bikram Yoga: The Strength in Repetition
Hatha Yoga Styles
Hatha Yoga: Overview
Hatha Yoga: Postures & Breathing
Hatha Yoga: Asanas
Hatha Yoga: Pranayamas
Kundalini Yoga: Overview
Kundalini Yoga: The Power
Kundalini Yoga: The Practice
Kundalini Yoga: True Union
Ashtanga Yoga: Overview
Ashtanga Yoga: Feeling the Burn
Ashtanga Yoga: Victorious Breath
Ashtanga Yoga: Three Asana Levels
Iyengar Yoga: Overview
Iyengar Yoga: Essential Elements
Iyengar Yoga: Its Origins
Iyengar Yoga: About B.K.S. Iyengar
Stop Stress With Kundalini Yoga
Turn Up The Intensity With Power Yoga And Hot Yoga
Yoga & Relaxation
What is “Relaxation?”
What is it?
Meditation and Yoga
Child's Pose
More Poses
Before, During and After
Yoga Apparel
Choose Yoga Clothes That Move With You
Yoga Clothing: Invest In Comfort
Find Your Perfect Yoga Pants
Yoga Wear Goes Beyond The Mat
Yoga Basics
Three Pointers For Your Yoga Poses
Revisit Basics For A Better Yoga Practice
Basic Yogic Meditation
Eastern & Western Yoga
Six Branches
Yoga Overview
Improvement Time
Avoiding Injury
Before You Begin
Meditation: One of the Eight Limbs of Yoga
Ancient Yoga
The Vedas & Yoga
Pre-classical Yoga
Classical Yoga/The Eightfold Path
Yoga vs. Pilates
Eight Limbs
The Philosophy of Yoga
Yoga Basics: Exercise
Yoga Basics: Breathing
Yoga Basics: Meditation
Yoga Pilates For Health
Where to Practice
Who can do Yoga
Yoga Benefits
Yoga Helps
Yoga Books, DVDs & More
Visual Instruction
Visual Instruction
Selecting Videos
Background Music
Learning Yoga Through Video
Sampling Music
Audio Instruction
Experience Levels
Up-to-date Info
Before You Start
Yoga DVDs Are Perfect For Travelers
Shopping For Yoga Instruction Videos
Yoga and Pilates
The Best Yoga Video
Yoga Classes at Home
Create A Mindful Space For At-Home Yoga
Don't Cheat Just Because You're At Home
Use Music To Design Your Own Practice
Seek Out Yoga Videos For Special Medical Needs
Books Provide Background For Beginners
Quick Yoga Information Fix? Try A Yoga Magazine
Yoga Books, DVDs, and More
Yoga Breathing
Holding Your Breath
Breathing Capacity
Postures and Breathing
Oxygen and Health
Yoga Cautions
Before You Begin
Poses You Should NOT Do
High Blood Pressure
Heavy Flow
Waiting Time
Avoiding Knee Injury
Physician's Advice
Yoga Certification
Not All Yoga Certifications Are Created Equal
Be An Apprentice
Protect Yourself With Yoga Liability Insurance
Recharge Your Teaching Technique With Trips To Workshops And Seminars
Multiple Certifications Expand Your Options.
The Business Side Of Yoga
Teacher Certification
Yoga Classes
Make Yoga Class Part of Your Total Fitness Plan
Yoga Class Etiquette
Two Concepts To Know Before You Start Your Yoga Class
Yoga Classes & Instructors
How to Find a Teacher
Questions to Ask
Class Cost
Yoga at the Gym
Yoga Etiquette
Timeliness Matters In Yoga Class
Place Your Gear Outside Of The Yoga Space
Be Courteous: Don't Cause Distractions To Ears And Noses
Try Different Classes To Find Your Perfect Fit
Q And A Is A-OK
Core Concepts: Belly In For Life
The Benefit of Yoga Studios
Yoga Instructors
Cost-cutting Yoga Classes
Searching For Yoga Classes Online
Yoga: A Lifelong Practice
The Health Benefits of Yoga Classes
The Best Time To Take Yoga Class
A Community in Yoga
Yoga Clothing
Consider Quality Yoga Clothes An Investment
Don't Get In A Bind With Yoga Tops
Expand Your Pants Options With Gathered-Leg Styles
Opt For Stretchy, Fitted Yoga Wear For Comfort And Coverage
Choose A Yoga Bra That's Supportive But Not Too Tight
Beware Your Hair
Prolong The Life Of Your Yoga Clothing With Proper Care
Yoga Clothing
The Best Yoga Pants
Yoga Clothes: From Studio to Street
Yoga Shoes
The Feel of Yoga Clothing
What to Wear to Your First Yoga Class
What's Required
Yoga Equipment
Inexpensive Strap
Blocks & Pillows
Yoga Equipment Basics
The Mat Matters
Completing Your Yoga Lifestyle
Protecting Your Yoga Mat
Using Yoga Balls For Flexibility
Yoga Equipment For Your Home
Yoga Mat Wipes Kill Bacteria And Keep You Well
Keep Your Yoga Ball In Shape, Too
Wedges Make Wrists Happier
Thinner Mats Provide Better Wrist Support
Keep Your Mat Clean Between Classes
Deepen Your Poses With Yoga Sandbags
Sweeten Your Savasana With An Eye Pillow
Yoga For Beginners
Meditation Links Body And Mind
Yoga For Beginners: Tips For Basic Poses
Yoga for Fitness
The Power of Power Yoga
Yoga for Weight Loss
Yoga and Weight Loss
All-inclusive Yoga Workout
Yoga for All Ages
Count Fitness Yoga As A Real Workout
Yoga Contributes To Weight Loss
Yoga Builds Strength Without Joint Stress
Yoga Makes You Better At Other Sports
Make Yoga Part Of Your Post-Injury Rehab Plan
Grandma Can Benefit From Yoga, Too
Yoga Promotes Mental Fitness
Yoga for Seniors
A Word to the Wise
Flexibility and Strength
Slowing or Reversing Aging
"Easy Does It Yoga"
Don't Over Do
Improved Fitness
Yoga Glossary
English vs Indian Names
Yogi or Yogini
Savasana/Corpse Pose
Differences: Yoga vs. Pilates
Posture vs. Pose
Tadasana/Mountain Pose
Yoga Instructors
Yoga Instruction Includes Breathing Basics
Know The Right Sequences For Successful Yoga Teaching
Enhance Your Teacher Training With Apprenticeship
Yoga Lifestyle
Religion or Not
Strict Practice
What Changes?
Yes or No
Food Choices
Yoga Poses
Helping the Heart
Release Tension
Seated Forward Bend
Different Styles
Lower Back Strength
Choosing a Style of Yoga
Yoga and Your Brain
Other Inverted Poses
Improves Posture
Leaving Reclining Poses
Hint for Keeping Balance
What is it?
What are backward bends?
Before, During, After
Increased Flexibility
New Practice
Naming Yoga Poses
How to Gain Without Pain
Travel Yoga
Restorative Yoga Pose
Keep Alignment In Mind
Order Of Poses Matters
Staff Pose: Give Yourself A Firm Foundation
Make Your Downward Dog A Good Dog
Don't Compete, Love Thy Yoga Neighbor
Don't Let Your Yoga Pose Get Stale
Don't Hold Yoga Positions To The Point Of Pain
All About Abs: Two Poses To Tone Your Torso
Build Power With Plank Poses
Beginners Can Build Arm Balance With Bakasana
Yoga Practice
Time Required
Finding Retreats
Yoga in the Office
Best Time
Reaching “Your Edge”
Yoga Newsletter Archive
Hatha Yoga Class Combines Styles
Don’t Let Your Yoga Pose Get Stale
Make Your Downward Dog A Good Dog
Staff Pose: Give Yourself A Firm Foundation
Order Of Poses Matters
Quick Yoga Information Fix? Try A Yoga Magazine
Books Provide Background For Beginners
Use Music To Design Your Own Practice
Create A Mindful Space For At-Home Yoga
The Business Side Of Yoga
Multiple Certifications Expand Your Options.
Recharge Your Teaching Technique With Trips To Workshops And Seminars
Protect Yourself With Yoga Liability Insurance
Not All Yoga Certifications Are Created Equal
Yoga Promotes Mental Fitness
Grandma Can Benefit From Yoga, Too
Make Yoga Part Of Your Post-Injury Rehab Plan
Yoga Makes You Better At Other Sports
Yoga Builds Strength Without Joint Stress
Core Concepts: Belly In For Life
Q And A Is A-OK
Be Courteous: Don’t Cause Distractions To Ears And Noses
Timeliness Matters In Yoga Class
Focus On Restorative Poses For Postnatal Practice
Poses To Do And Not To Do While Pregnant
Modify Your Moves
Yoga Techniques Can Prepare You For Any Type Of Delivery
Find Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga Classes For Fun And Safety
Prolong The Life Of Your Yoga Clothing With Proper Care
Beware Your Hair
Choose A Yoga Bra That’s Supportive But Not Too Tight
Make Time To Help Kids Relax
Don’t Keep Kids Holding On
Focus On Fun
Begin With The Breath
Sweeten Your Savasana With An Eye Pillow
Deepen Your Poses With Yoga Sandbags
Wedges Make Wrists Happier
Travel Yoga
How to Gain Without Pain
Naming Yoga Poses
Protecting Your Yoga Mat
Completing Your Yoga Lifestyle
The Mat Matters
The Best Yoga Video
Yoga and Pilates
Shopping For Yoga Instruction Videos
Yoga DVDs Are Perfect For Travelers
Yoga Basics: Meditation
Yoga Basics: Breathing
The Philosophy of Yoga
The Best Yoga Pants
Yoga Clothing
Bikram Yoga: Why the Heat?
Bikram Yoga: Overview
Eastern & Western Yoga
Pregnancy Yoga Classes
Benefits of Prenatal Yoga
Pregnancy and Yoga: See Your Doctor First
The Effects of Yoga on Your Unborn Child
Yoga During Pregnancy
Yoga Classes for Kids
Kids' Imagination in Yoga
Yoga at the Gym
Yoga Overview
Kriya Yoga: Yogis' Quotes
Kriya Yoga: The Breath
Kriya Yoga: Overview
Yoga and Your Brain
Learning Yoga Through Video
What to Wear to Your First Yoga Class
The Feel of Yoga Clothing
Yoga Shoes
Yoga Clothes: From Studio to Street
Yoga vs. Pilates
Classical Yoga/The Eightfold Path
Pre-classical Yoga
Ancient Yoga
Meditation: One of the Eight Limbs of Yoga
Iyengar Yoga: About B.K.S. Iyengar
Iyengar Yoga: Overview
Ashtanga Yoga: Victorious Breath
Kundalini Yoga: True Union
Kundalini Yoga: The Practice
Kundalini Yoga: The Power
Kundalini Yoga: Overview
Hatha Yoga: Pranayamas
Hatha Yoga: Asanas
Hatha Yoga: Postures & Breathing
Hatha Yoga: Overview
Baby Yoga Basics
Benefits of Yoga for Children
Six Branches
Breathing Capacity
Physician´s Advice
What´s Required
Yoga Helps
English vs Indian Names
Eight Limbs
Designate A Kids' Special Yoga Space
Alternate Nostril Breathing Promotes Breath Awareness
What Changes?
Yes or No
Before, During and After
Audio Instruction
Background Music
Visual Instruction
Visual Instruction
Selecting Videos
How to Find a Teacher
Questions to Ask
Before You Begin
Poses You Should NOT Do
Inexpensive Strap
More Poses
Up-to-date Info
Food Choices
Strict Practice
What is it?
Different Styles
"Easy Does It Yoga"
What is “Relaxation?”
Hatha Yoga Styles
Hint for Keeping Balance
Before, During, After
Reaching “Your Edge”
Yoga in the Office
Hatha Yoga: Let’s Get Physical
Kundalini Yoga Slows The Pace
Inverted Ashtanga Poses: Up And Away
Forward Bends Balance Backbends
Try Different Classes To Find Your Perfect Fit
Seek Out Yoga Videos For Special Medical Needs
Don’t Cheat Just Because You’re At Home
Yoga Contributes To Weight Loss
Communicate With Your Doctor
Teacher Certification
Count Fitness Yoga As A Real Workout
Power Yoga: Ashtanga By Another Name
Yoga May Improve ADHD Symptoms
Keep Your Mat Clean Between Classes
Keep Your Yoga Ball In Shape, Too
Pilates Is Yoga's Younger Relative
Expand Your Pants Options With Gathered-Leg Styles
Consider Quality Yoga Clothes An Investment
Opt For Stretchy, Fitted Yoga Wear For Comfort And Coverage
Don’t Get In A Bind With Yoga Tops
Basic Yogic Meditation
Thinner Mats Provide Better Wrist Support
Place Your Gear Outside Of The Yoga Space
Be An Apprentice
Yoga Equipment For Your Home
Don’t Compete, Love Thy Yoga Neighbor
Keep Alignment In Mind
Don’t Hold Yoga Positions To The Point Of Pain
Yoga Mat Wipes Kill Bacteria And Keep You Well
Be Aware Of The Breath
Hatha Yoga Is Preventive Medicine
Children under 16
Religion or Not
What are backward bends?
Avoiding Injury
Improves Posture
Leaving Reclining Poses
Improvement Time
Class Cost
Before You Start
Holding Your Breath
Child´s Pose
Sampling Music
Experience Levels
Beginner Yoga Poses
Sublime Supine Poses
Yoga with a Twist
A Community in Yoga
Yoga Instructors
Yoga: A Lifelong Practice
Yoga Classes at Home
Cost-cutting Yoga Classes
Yoga Pilates For Health
Using Yoga Balls For Flexibility
Yoga for All Ages
Yoga for Babies?
Ashtanga Yoga: Feeling the Burn
Ashtanga Yoga: Overview
Ashtanga Yoga: Three Asana Levels
Bikram Yoga: A Prescription for Your Health
Bikram Yoga: The Strength in Repetition
Iyengar Yoga: Essential Elements
Iyengar Yoga: Its Origins
Warming Up to Yoga
When to Practice Yoga
Where to Practice Yoga
Yoga Classes For Beginners
Yoga Upside-down
The Benefit of Yoga Studios
The Best Time To Take Yoga Class
The Health Benefits of Yoga Classes
Yoga Etiquette
The Power of Power Yoga
Yoga for Weight Loss
Choosing a Style of Yoga
Restorative Yoga Pose
Sitting Postures in Yoga
All-inclusive Yoga Workout
Yoga Equipment Basics
Yoga Basics: Exercise
Yoga and Weight Loss
Searching For Yoga Classes Online
Yoga and Pregnancy
Cleaning Your Yoga Mat
Stress Relief
Ending Bad Habits
More on Eating and Yoga
Why Do Inverted Poses?
Yoga and Pilates
Seniors and Yoga
Eating and Yoga
Slow and Steady
Yoga and Pregnancy
Reverse the Impact of Long-term Sitting
Turning Back the Clock
You Can Improvise
Ahhhh, Relaxation
Something More Than Sports
Not Always What You Expect
Not Right for Everyone
Let’s Celebrate
Missing the Obvious
Child Pose
Never Force It
Do It Anywhere
Soothe the Senses
Feeling Grounded
Summertime and the living is easy. . . Nope!
Where, Oh Where?
Not a Cure All
Change Your Perspective
Morning, Noon and Night
Here Comes the Sun
Help -- I`m slipping!
Beathe Deeply
Get Away From It All
Know Before You Buy
A Fine Balance
Beyond *Om*
Use Caution
Getting Up - The Right Way
A rose is a rose . . .
It Does Get Easier
We`re Not Getting Older
Standing Tall
The Next Best Thing
Avoiding Injury is Easy
Yoga or Pilates – Are they the same?
There’s Never Enough Time
Yoga vs. Religion
Guides, Mentors, Instructors
Yoga Lifestyle
Good Health Now and Always
So Simple, So Easy, So IMPORTANT
Starting at an Early Age
Books, Books and More Books
More Flexibility in 2002
Practice, Patience and Structure
“I have nothing to wear!”
Let’s De-Stress
Basic Practice and More
Food, Eating and Yoga
Going Beyond the Physical
Not a Beginner?
Ancient Practice in the Information Age
You Deserve a Break
Teachers, Instructors, Mentors... You Need One
Getting In the Mood
A Little Bit of Help
Get Off Your Rocker
What You Can’t See
Starting at the Beginning
Yoga Frequently Asked Questions
Can I eat before doing Yoga?
How can I improve my fitness?
Who can do Yoga?
Why do I need a teacher to study Yoga?
Can I breath normally when I do Yoga?
Do I have to follow a special diet if I do yoga?
Can I start practicing with any yoga poses?
How much time do I need to spend doing yoga?
Is yoga a religion?
How do I relax my neck muscles?
Do I need a special space to do Yoga?
How can I avoid injury when doing yoga?
Can yoga practice improve my concentration?
How do I breathe while doing yoga?
What are the eight limbs of yoga?
How can I benefit from meditation?
How can I improve my balance and my flexibility?
Can I learn yoga from a book?
What poses do I do in sun Salutation?
What props do I need to do Yoga?
How can I benefit from doing Yoga?
What’s the difference between Yoga and Pilates?
What are the benefits of Bridge Pose?
Do I have to change my lifestyle to practice yoga?
How can Yoga help my breathing?
Can I learn yoga from a video?
How can I benefit from Dancer Pose?
Are there different ways to do Sun Salutation?
What poses help relieve tension in the back,neck and shoulders?
What should I wear to do Yoga?
How do I benefit from Spinal Twists?
What is Sun Salutation?
How can I increase my flexibility?
Are there any yoga programs for seniors?
Does yoga slow or reverse aging?
How can my children benefit from doing Yoga?
How do I find a yoga teacher?
When should I do relaxation in my yoga practice?
How do I identify Hatha Yoga?
What are the benefits of inverted poses?
Why do I need to relax during yoga practice?
What postures should I avoid if I have high blood pressure?
What should my yoga practice include?
Is it true that yoga can help me overcome stress?
How do I determine the appropriate cost for a yoga class?
Are yoga teachers certified?
Will Yoga help health problems?
What are the benefits of inverted poses?
Can yoga help someone with arthritis?
What is TriYoga?
Can doing yoga mantras help my heart?
Do I have to meditate as part of my yoga practice?
What do I emphasize in Tree Pose?
Can I use audiotapes and CDs to learn yoga?
Can I wear shoes when doing Yoga?
Can I do Yoga during menstration?
How should a beginner practice yoga?
What are the different Yoga philosophies?
How can I improve my breathing capacity?
Why should I do backward bends?
Why do I need “relaxation” during yoga?
Do beginners have to know yogic breathing?
Can I do yoga if I’m pregnant?
Why would I want to get yoga information from magazines?
What do I need to do before I start yoga?
Can yoga help my insomnia?
Is there only one way to do a posture?
How can I improve doing Bridge Pose?
How do I find a yoga retreat?
What position do I use when meditating?
Can I practice yoga after eating?
What type of background music do I need to practice yoga?
Must I stop smoking if I practice yoga?
What´s the difference between Indian and English words used in Yoga?
Can I start a yoga program even if I have a medical condition?
How do I keep my balance in poses?
What is Sun Salutation?
How do I get up from a reclining pose?
How can I avoid knee injury when doing yoga?
How long will it take before postures become easy?
When should I practice Yoga?
What is Savasana or Corpse Pose?
How do I select a yoga video?
How do I know when to inhale or exhale during postures?
Do I need a special place to practice yoga?
Should I hold my breath when I get into a Yoga pose?
Should I practice yoga when I´m feeling pain?
Are there variations to Child´s Pose?
Is yoga safe during pregnancy?
What should I do after Bridge Pose?
Should I trust the experience levels on a videotape?
How can I benefit from doing forward bends?
What other inverted poses can I do?
What is the purpose of relaxing in Corpse Pose?
What postures can I do for relaxation?
What questions should I ask before taking a class?
How do I relax and warm up my shoulders?
How can children benefit from doing yoga?
What should I emphasize in Corpse Pose?
What should I do before I begin practicing Yoga?
What’s the difference between a posture, a pose and an asana?
Should I let my young children do Yoga?
How can I find music for yoga practice or relaxation?
What should my beginner’s yoga practice include?
How can I get an inexpensive yoga strap?
Does yoga help improve posture?
What do I need to know before I do inverted poses?
What’s the difference between a yogi and a yogini?
How can children benefit from doing yoga?
What do I emphasize in Dancer Pose?
Are there any poses I shouldn’t do if I’m pregnant?
How can I benefit from doing Mountain Pose?
What does reaching “your edge” mean?
How should I begin yoga if I have arthritis?
What is meditation?
How can I warm-up before yoga practice?
What postures can I do for relaxation?
What is Tadasana or Mountain Pose?
What is Yoga?
Can I let my young child practice yoga with me?
How can I be sure I don´t injure myself starting out with yoga?
Should I feel discomfort or pain in yoga postures?
What are the benefits of a yoga retreat?
What motivates continued yoga practice?
When is the best time to practice yoga?
How do I start yoga?
How do beginners classes in yoga start?
What are standing poses?
What do I need to know about beginner yoga poses?
What is an inverted pose?
What are supine poses?
What is a sitting posture?
Where can I practice yoga?
Why are there twist exercises in yoga?
Where is a good place to start taking yoga classes?
What are some pointers for taking yoga classes?
What is a yoga studio?
How should I find a good yoga instructor?
How can I save money on yoga classes?
Where can I find classes in yoga?
How often should I attend yoga classes?
What are the health benefits of yoga?
When is the best time to take a yoga class?
What is a benefit to attending regular yoga classes?
What is Power Yoga?
Can yoga help me lose weight?
What yoga style is good for weight loss?
What is a good way to work out my mind and my body?
Am I too old to start practicing yoga?
Can children practice yoga?
What are the benefits of yoga for kids?
Can babies practice yoga?
How can I do yoga with my baby?
Cana child understand the concepts of yoga?
Are there classes available for kids' yoga?
Can I practice yoga if I'm pregnant?
How does my yoga practice affect my unborn baby?
Should I consult my obstetrician before doing yoga during pregnancy?
How can prenatal yoga help me?
Should I take pregnancy yoga classes or buy a video or DVD instead?
What is Hatha Yoga?
What does Hatha yoga focus on?
What do asanas in Hatha yoga develop?
What are pranayamas in Hatha yoga?
What is Kundalini yoga?
How powerful is Kundalini?
How difficult is Kundalini yoga?
Isn't Kundalini "sex yoga"?
What is Ashtanga yoga?
How is Ashtanga different from other forms of yoga?
What is Ujjayi Breathing?
What are the levels of Ashtanga yoga?
What is Iyengar yoga?
What are some elements of Iyengar yoga?
Where did Iyengar yoga originate?
Who is the man behind Iyengar yoga?
What is Bikram yoga?
Why is Bikram yoga done in a heated studio?
Can people with medical conditions do Bikram yoga?
Can't Bikram yoga get boring?
What is Kriya yoga?
What is the main aspect of Kriya yoga?
What are some tenets of Kriya yoga?
What are mudras?
What is Yoga?
What is the philosophy behind yoga?
What does yoga exercise do?
How important is breathing in yoga?
What are the benefits of meditation in yoga?
What is Yoga Pilates?
What can yoga meditation do for me?
How old is yoga?
Where did yogic teaching come from?
What happened during the pre-classical yoga period?
What are the Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga?
What are the differences and similarities between yoga and Pilates?
How do I meditate?
What is the difference between yoga in the east and west?
What should I wear to practice yoga?
Which are the best types of yoga pants to wear?
Do people wear yoga clothing anywhere but in the studio?
Should I wear shoes during yoga?
How is yoga clothing designed?
What should I wear to my first yoga class?
How can I use yoga videos?
How can I continue my yoga practice if I'm out of town?
What do I need to know about yoga videos?
How can I practice yoga and Pilates together?
What is the best yoga video?
What if I cannot find yoga classes in my area?
What equipment is needed to practice yoga?
What is a yoga mat for?
What else is needed or suggested for my yoga practice?
How can I carry my yoga mat to and from class?
What are yoga balls used for?
Do I need yoga equipment at home?
What do yoga poses represent?
Do yoga postures hurt?
Can I do yoga at work?
What is a restorative yoga pose?
Which style of yoga is right for me?
Why isn't yoga relaxing me?
Are there yoga techniques that can relieve employees' stress in the office?
Do I need to clean my yoga mat?
How do I clean my yoga ball?
What yoga accesory can help my wrists when doing backbends?
How thick should my yoga mat be?
Why do I need a yoga mat bag?
What yoga props can help open my hips?
What props can enhance my relaxation poses?
What should I include when doing yoga for kids?
How can I make yoga fun for kids?
How long should yoga classes for kids last?
How should I do final relaxation in a yoga class for kids?
Do kids need special yoga mats?
Can yoga help children with ADHD?
Do I need special yoga clothes to practice yoga?
What type of top is best for yoga?
What styles of pants are best for yoga?
What do I wear to a yoga class?
What type of bra should I wear for yoga?
Will long hair get in my way when I do yoga?
How should I wash my yoga clothes?
Are there special pregnancy yoga classes?
How much pregnancy yoga is safe and helpful?
How can yoga help make labor and delivery easier?
How can I modify my yoga poses during pregnancy?
What are some yoga poses to do and not to do while pregnant?
How can I ease back into yoga after pregnancy?
How long are most yoga classes?

Not finding the advice and tips you need on this Yoga Tip Site? Request a Tip Now!

Guru Spotlight
Jennifer Mathes, Ph.D.